ÜrünColor GardnerViscosity B/F (@ 25°C)/mPa.sAmine value (mg KOH/gm)AHEW (Calcd)Recommended loading pph of liquid Epoxy EEW-200Description/Uses
HP-1002051.0 max500.0 – 700.0260.0 – 300.0102.0–105.058.0 – 60.0Applications/ End use: Ind floorings, tank linings, solvent free ctgs and adhesive for concrete. Properties: Modified low viscosity amine curing agent used in combination with liquid epoxy for cold curing/ambient temperature
HP-1005303.0 max100.0 – 300.0250.0 – 400.0~ 93.048.0 – 50.0Applications/ End use: Solvent free coatings.Self-levelling Ind floorings, mortars, primers and adhesive for concrete. Properties: Modified low viscosity amine curing agent, water and corossion resistance,low color and good color stability.
HP-1000421.0 max20.0 – 35.0645.0 – 655.042.0 – 45.023.0 – 25.0Applications/ End use: Construction industry systems suitable for solvent free, cold cure coatings. Coatings for Corrosion, mastics, floorings, hardener for resin mortars. Properties: Excellent mechanical properties, resistance to neutral and alkaline solutions.
HP-1006863.0 max100.0-400.0290.0-330.0~ 95.050.0 – 52.0Economical grade compare to HP 100205, provides high mechanical build-up, rapid cure and suitable for low tempeature applications.
HP-1006181.0max400.0-450.0260.0-280.0~ 11360.0 – 62.0Application/Ens Use: Suitable for high solid coatings, self-leveling floorings, mortars and grouts. Properties: Low color and good color stability,chemical resistance and high gloss.
HP-1009343.0 max140.0 – 360.0265.0 – 295.0~ 100.048.0 – 50.0Applications/ End use: Suitable for self leveling and Self-leveling floorings and solvent less coatings.Low viscosity,longer pot life.
HP-1000193.0 max100.0-300.0250.0-400.0~ 10050.0 – 52.0Application/Ens Use: Low viscosity,fast curing at low temperature for self levelling floor coating applications.